Hire Tech Ninja is leading in the market with its outstanding client’s driven performance and has a brilliant team of developers to assist their clients.
Hire Tech Ninja is proficient in delivering high-quality solutions and services and acknowledging each approach to clients.
Hire Tech Ninja serves top-notch services like QA, DevOps, IT relocation, Consultancy, and many more to improve client experience.
Hire Tech Ninja has 58% of senior-level programmers, 37% of middle, and only 6% of them are junior.
average time-to-hire is 4-6 weeks depending on the technological requirements of our clients.
Voluntary attrition at Hire Tech Ninja is 1.5 times lower than the market average in Ukraine.
Hire Tech Ninja has an ideal number of authoritative assets to address the issues of businesses of various sizes. Each client gets the personal intervention for high-quality services with dedicated time and special attention as per their requirements. Big tech vendors focus on building big teams while Hire Tech Ninja assists organizations with getting rolling by several developers and increasing to a bigger distant cross-practical advancement group when and if fundamental.
Hire Tech Ninja keeping its place in the ranking with the experience of 11+ years and delivering desirable results to 145+ clients. Our experts approach an ability pool of 50K tech experts and broad market information to take into account the necessities of tech organizations. Now, Ninja also added services like consulting, quality assurance, and DevOps to enhance the development services and acknowledge the necessity of clients. In the pandemic period 2020, Hire Tech Ninja proved itself by showing professionalism and providing administrative resources. Hire Tech Ninja uplifted its ranking with a strong employer brand.
Hire Tech Ninja uses the model which guarantees the ultimate engagement of each programmer. Dedicated team members view the client as their employer. At Hire Tech Ninja, we have no bench, which means that we hire exclusively for each client, closely adhering to their requirements. The model’s transparent cost structure allows our clients to manage developers directly and save on the total development cost by covering only developers’ salaries and vendor fees without any hidden or unnecessary overheads.
Hire Tech Ninja comes up with the pattern of dedicated resources to the clients, which benefits committed developers for each client as per the requirements. The model's straightforward expense structure permits our clients to oversee programmers straightforwardly and save money on the absolute improvement cost by covering just programmers' compensations and merchant charges with no covered up or superfluous overheads.
At Hire Tech Ninja, our Tech Ninjas are skilled proven, well-experienced, and a team of certified and senior developers which proclaim promising results to the clients compares to other companies. The packages which are presented of our services help the clients to save 10-15% of the cost compared to other companies. Our resources like dedicated developer team, QA, IT consultation, etc. are the packages with our dignified services that help you in many ways for your requirement. As per the requirement is presented, we quote essential resources to the clients and also serve with some benefits like after project completion we provide 3 months of free services.